Mission Statement
Our Vision as the First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Brotherhood Ministry is to create an environment for men and boys to respond to God’s call for salvation and service. We also seek to grow men spiritually and encourage them to be godly men and husbands. Our goals are to help men grow in Christ, develop much needed relationships with other men in the church, strengthen, them and strengthen their families also, so the church can reach more sols through their ministry.

Mission Statement
As Deacons, our mission is to worship God with all of our being. We are to obey Christ by assisting the Pastor in his mission and vision (Acts 6:2-4); administration of the ordinances, strengthen his hand in his labors, and work in harmony with him with him to exercise watch care of the spiritual interest of the church. Furthermore, we strive to provide practical and supportive ministry through acts of service to all other ministries within the body of Christ.
Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 1 Timothy 3:8-9

Mission Statement
The mission of the Deaconess Ministry is to meet the needs of First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, under the guidance of its Pastor and the deacons by promoting spiritual growth in the church. The purpose of the Deaconess Ministry is to care for and assist the needs of the overall congregation.

Mission Statement
The mission is to carry the Good News of Jesus Christ. To feed the poor and also strive to strengthen their spiritual life. To be a blessing and a help to the homeless in their community. To show love and care for others in the ministry and to live a righteous life. We are laborers for God.

Mission Statement
We, First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Mass Choir, give glory and honor to God our heavenly Father and we spread his love to others through song.
Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sign praises unto my God While I have any being. Psalm 146:1-2

Mission Statement
Through dance and all we do, God’s Angels mission is to encourage and uplift God’s people while conveying his message through expressive movements of the body and the emotional and spiritual connections of the soul. All made possible by the direction of the Holy Spirit. Through praise dance, the lyrics of songs inspired by God’s Word come to life and allow for an opportunity to experience God’s glorious presence. Praise dancers not only minister to their brothers and sisters in Christ but, we often minister to ourselves as well as we are continually seeking God to show Himself in us that we may be pleasing in sign and do what He has called us to do-to minister to his people through dance.
They send forth little ones like a flock, and their children dance. Job 21:11

Mission Statement
To pray, intercede, stand in the gap and war on behalf of the saved and unsaved, loved and those feeling unloved in the earth. We persist in prayer for the Pastor and his family, leaders and members of FMB and our extended family and friends
regarding any specific or general need. We pray continually for the community local/state and for our country as a whole. In order to foster spiritual renewal and transformation of families, communities, cities and nation in the furtherance of Christ’s Kingdom.

Mission Statement
As Ministers of First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church the Love of Christ compels us to Go in His name and preach the Good News; to heal the hurting and teach the truth. As ministers of this house we also have the responsibility to follow the vision of the Visionary (the Pastor) as he follows Christ.

Mission Statement
The Mission Ministry of First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church duties are ordained by God, called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and the beliefs of the evangelical Christian faith. To maintain the worship of God, and to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We pledge our lives to Christ and covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing, and ministry to the needs of the people of this church and the community.

Mission Statement
To develop, empower and equip the women and men of the church to be godly women and men. Teach them to walk by faith, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Build strong character so they can take on new challenges in life. To mentor our women and men in Christian love through teaching and training (Titus 2:3-5) To love one another as Christ loves us. To inspire young women and men: to educate and change lives and communicating God’s truth to them, and to raise true worshipers of God. We as Mothers will be spiritual advisers to our Pastor, and we will pray for him and the church on a daily basis.

Mission Statement
The New Members Ministry of First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church endeavors to greet and orientate new members in the doctrines of the church’s body of Christ with Christian love, enthusiasm and knowledge. Our purpose is to “To prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12

Mission Statement
The mission of the P.R. Ministry to effectively publicize and promote events, activities, and services sponsored by or held at First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church to the congregation, local community, region, and nationally. We purpose to effectively communicate FMB’s mission, goals and values through social media, newsletters, newspaper ads, and our church website to inspire, inform and invite participation in the church.
And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23

Mission Statement
To provide support to the Pastor and his family spiritually and professionally. To lead the congregation in fulfilling the Biblical responsibilities of providing for the Pastor and to aid him that he may faithfully and effectively fulfill his Pastoral responsibilities.
Mission Statement
Our vision as the First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Praise and Worship Ministry is to lead others into the worship of the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our vision is to help lead our brothers and sisters to the calling of a faith based life of worship. Our primary purpose is to give God the glory, honor, and praise that He deserves. We endeavor to create an atmosphere of worship to show others the passionate love we have for God our Father. God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good: sing praises unto His name for it is pleasant. Psalm 135:3

Mission Statement
The Senior Bible Study Ministry is a weekly gathering of seniors throughout the city to join us in the study of the Word. To be enlightened, encouraged, and informed about God and the happenings in and around First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church and the Savannah community. We want our visiting churches to feel free to share information and accomplishments about their church family. Our vision is to keep this church ministry in the hearts and minds of the senior members forever from one generation the next in the hopes that they will be drawn closer to God.

Mission Statement
To provide bible based spiritual teachings to all people, no one is excluded, divide classes into different age groups, teach salvation (being saved), spiritual growth (understanding the Bible), stability (regular attendance/building a foundation), spiritual influence (positive thinking), and moral values; these attributes will promote a godly impact on one’s life.

Mission Statement
To assist the Pastor in making the worship service a success, to greet each worshiper with a pleasant smile and warm welcome thereby putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message; to ensure that order is kept in and around the church at all times; and to do whatever possible to advance God’s kingdom and the church.

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Women’s Ministry of First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church is to offer women of all ages quality opportunities for personal growth and ministry. The Women’s Ministry will support one another in their relationship with God, so that through spiritual friendship, mentoring and teaching, we expect to experience the freedom to become all that God intends us to be.

Mission Statement
First Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church’s Youth Ministry exists to bring children into age-appropriate
WORSHIP where they can BELONG to the family God, GROW in their relationship with Christ, learn to SERVE and then go SHARE Christ with the world!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Jr. Usher’s Ministry
Youth Choir